Monday, June 4, 2007

Happy Farmer

Hailey has been eager to play "The Happy Farmer" for quite some time. The name intrigued her I guess. Her violin teacher has told her that she should just get a bit more skill and then she can play it. Hailey wasn't having this, she wanted to play it now. Sarah is helping her learn it right now. Hailey is making a lot of mistakes and can only play line one but it is so wonderful to see her eagerness. She's wearing a typical outfit of hers: fleece pants, nightgown, crocs, and hoodie and looks so cute with her 1/16 size violin. The Hailey is defiantly a happy farmer. Always so eager to be with our animals or harvesting. Maybe this should be her theme song.


moominmamma said...

Oh my goodness! I've never heard of a barely-three-year-old playing Happy Farmer before. At barely three Fiona was just Twinkling. How amazing! Coincidentally Fiona's been polishing up Happy Farmer recently and is now enthusiastically working on Gavotte.

Allison said...

Hailey is playing Twinkle Twinkle for the upcoming recital but she is begging to do her first line of Happy Farmer too. I can see why her teacher wanted to wait for a while until she started to play Happy Farmer as it is defiantly a challenge for Hailey.

Anonymous said...

It's my fault for holding her back. :( I'll have to listen to this tomorrow at her lesson.

Kathleen, mom of five hooligans, violin and viola teacher to the folks of Wonders of Learning.